Expert Witness:

Technical Support for Personal Injury, Product Liability & Patent Infringement Litigation

We effectively communicate the findings, results, opinions, and conclusions to the legal community and to the judges and jurors. We have qualified and experienced personnel and access to the laboratories with state-of-the-art technology to present complex scientific issues in a clear and concise format. Our professional services are characterized by relevant expertise, timely response, and open communication.

  • Investigation of initial cause of failure
  • Investigation of root cause of failure
  • Evaluate patent infringement
  • Forensic Engineering
  • Failure mode determination
  • Detect evidence of user abuse
  • Plant evaluation for safety and compliance
  • Expert reports

We meet or exceed all desirable aspects for an ideal Expert:

  • Depth and diversity of strong background in Plastics and Medical Device industry
  • Ability to simplify complex design issues and explain them in clear concise manner
  • Skills to highlight the strength and weakness of the case
  • Experience and know-how to perform authoritatively during deposition and cross examination scrutiny
  • Ability to deliver powerful and concise opinions are backed by solid scientific data
  • Experienced educator who can educate jury with examples and visual aids

Modus Operandi:

Our unique approach to addressing issues at hand stems from our multi-disciplinary experience in materials, design, tooling, process and secondary operations. We use state-of-the-art computer technology, advance technology such as rapid prototyping, flow simulation, SEM, Finite Element analysis (FEA) and Communicate results in a clear and effective manner. Our thorough investigation covers all aspects of failure modes and analysis from comprehending supplied material and carefully studying the evidence to charting the course of action, proposing and executing the tasks diligently. We communicate the findings and conclusions to counsels, judges and juries in easy-to-understand format using illustrations, graphics, AVI's and animations.

Introduction to Injection Molding - The Molding Process   Animation

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